Monday, June 13, 2011

Monster Monday! Kologoros

Kologoros was an encounter that was loosely based on a World of Warcraft raid boss, called Kologarn. Kologoros, like its WoW counterpart, blocked an escape from The Wanderers of Blessed Chaos in their escape from prison. Kologoros is actually four monsters in one, with a head, body, and two arms, all made of stone, while small motes of electricity floated around him. Each of these parts had various jobs. The head had powerful eyebeams, charged up by the left arm grabbing motes of electricity and shoving them into the eyes to charge the beams. The body could put up a defensive shield on any other part, while the right arm would grab and toss around anyone unlucky to fail their grapple check.

In the end, the Wanderers of Blessed Chaos were able to break through and move on to the next stage of their prison break.

Kologoros (Head)
LN Construct
AC: 19 HP: 231 (42 HD) Speed: 0' Initiative: -3
STR: 28 DEX: 4 CON: -- INT: -- WIS: 1 CHA: 1
Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +7, Will +5
Attacks: Bite +25 melee (4d6+13), Eyebeam
Defenses:Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Eyebeam (Sp): When charged (by the left arm), as a full round action, the head can shoot its eyebeams at two targets. Must make a ranged touch attack on each target. They take 20d6, or DC 24 Reflex for half damage. If the target dies, it is turned to ash. Only a wish spell can bring them back.

Kologoros (Body)
AC: 19 HP: 411 (42 HD) Speed: 0' Initiative: -3
STR: 28 DEX: 4 CON: -- INT: -- WIS: 1 CHA: 1
Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +7, Will +5
Defenses:Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Defensive; Heal Self
Defense (Su): As a full round action, the main body can put up a defensive shield on any limb that absorbs 50 points of damage. The shield lasts until it is dispelled, or absorbs maximum damage.
Heal Self (Sp): Once per minute, as a full round action, the stone golem can heal 100 hp to any one of his four limbs.

Kologoros (Right Arm)
AC: 19 HP: 311 (42 HD) Speed: 0' Initiative: -3
STR: 28 DEX: 4 CON: -- INT: -- WIS: 1 CHA: 1
Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +7, Will +5
Attacks: Slam +25 melee (4d6+13)
Defenses:Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Grasp and Throw (Sp): As a full round action, the right arm can make a grapple check (arm has +49 grapple) (with an attack of opportunity) against a target, dealing 4d6+13 crushing damage. With the same action, the golem throws the target back to the ground, dealing 2d6+13. DC 17 Reflex save for half falling damage.

Kologoros (Left Arm)
AC: 19 HP: 311 (42 HD) Speed: 0' Initiative: -3
STR: 28 DEX: 4 CON: -- INT: -- WIS: 1 CHA: 1
Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +7, Will +5
Attacks: Slam +25 melee (4d6+13)
Defenses: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Charge Eyebeam
Charge Eyebeam (Su): As a full round action, the left arm may charge the eyebeam by grasping a mote of electricity, and putting it into the main body's eye.

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