Monday, May 30, 2011

Monster Monday! Paragon Atropus and Paragon Sebastion

Last night, my faithful DnD group completed their journey to defeat the afterbirth of creation, the undead demigod Atropus. One hundred and one years ago, the Atropus moonlet arrived above Alarn, and in its wake millions of living creatures died, and were turned into horrible apocalypse zombies. Over the course of a century, these terrible abominations to the living marched across the world, destroying civilizations, and devouring brains.

Our heroes, Skylar the Princess Ranger along with her bear dragon Bux, Sebastian the mighty Duskblade, Paley the half-green dragon, half human rogue, Petra the Evoker, Morathil the last Centaur, and the latest addition to the group, and Atticus the Planeswalker have had their ups and downs. Just a few months ago, they failed miserably at stopping a group of devils from committing genocide against a group of Arboreal Elves. Because the elves lives were snuffed out of existance, the Atropus Moonlet began falling towards Alarn. The group had less than two months before the moonlet would crash into the planet, destroying the entire world. While the plight of Alarn was terrible, it was only the tip of the iceberg. The spell used to kill the Arboreal elves, not only brought the moonlet to Alarn, but it set of a chain of events that caused the Negative Energy Plane to begin devouring the elemental planes, causing spells and elementals to work in odd ways.

They learned that the only way to defeat Atropus for good, was to go to the Atropus moonlet, and confront Atropus itself. After a shopping trip to Sigil, and a lucky plan deep in the bowels of Hell, they were able to construct a Spelljammer that would take them to the moonlet. However, they needed help.

Morathil, the centaur cleric, had communicated to her god their plight. He sent her to four other gods, who put her to their tests. Each one she passed, and they touched her and the party with their godly powers. At the same time, the Planeswalker Atticus got the assistance of 40 Solar Angels to help in the fight.

Once the returned back home, they found a goblin oracle known as Blue. Blue carved them a prophecy showing, among other things, the dead god Moradin holding a piece of an artifact known as the Soul Totem. Roweena, Queen of the Dwarves, told them how Moradin had taken over the portfolio of the unborn. The gods did not like this, and locked Moradin away, making his followers think he was dead. Roweena and the party traveled to Pandemonium, where Moradin was imprisoned. Once there, Moradin refused to allow them to use the Soul Totem to enter the Bastion of Unborn Souls and stop the corruption, and hopefully find a weapon, as prophesied by Blue. Roweena had none of this, and used the Hammer of Moradin to kill Moradin once and for all. Standing in the gore of her former god, she handed Sebastian the first half of the Soul Totem, and told him to bring her the other half so she could become the god of the dwarves.

They took the ship to the Positive Energy Plane, by way of one half of Moradin's Soul Totem. Where Paley's green dragon father, Dimithkarjic had entered the Bastion of Unborn Souls (via the other half of the Soul Totem) and began feeding on the unborn souls to keep him alive once his devil heart began failing him. Dimithkarjic asked Paley to join him in the Bastion to live forever by his side. She refused. During the battle, she was bitten and swallowed by her father. Rather than escape by cutting herself out, she cut up towards his heart, in a tunnel of gore. Dimithkarjic, knowing what she was doing, ripped open his chest trying to attack his daughter inside him. Finally, after a long struggle, Dimithkarjic fell, but he devil he used to power his failing heart escaped from his chest. Vowing revenge, as all good devils do, he disappeared. Sebastian took the second half of the Soul Totem, and they left to come back to Diamond Valley.

Once home, Sebastian gave the completed Soul Totem to Roweena. She ascended to godhood, giving blessings to everyone, and a special loaf of dwarven bread to Sebastian. From there, the party left to go to the Atropus moon where the Solar Angels came to fight off Atropus' Angels of Decay, and allow the ship to slip through the lines and land safely on the moonlet.

There, they met Ignus the Archmage, a vampire. He was part of the original attack on Atropus 100 years previous, which wasn't completely successful. After pointing the party to the bones of his love, Talinda, and her intelligent bow, Brian (the bow), he agreed to help the party fight Atropus.

With some help from some Omnimentals (the elemental planes have all been combined into one plane, the Omnimental Plane of Elements), they were able to dig to the center of the moonlet, and face Atropus. There, Sebastian ate the dwarven bread, and transformed into a 100 foot tall Dwarven warrior from legends past! Paragon Sebastian and Paragon Atropus faced off, while the party slew wave after wave of specters. Thanks to unborn soul eggs from the Bastion, they were able to defeat Atropus finally.

Once dead, the moonlet began quaking and rocking knocking everyone to the ground. Hunks of rocks fell from the ceiling, crushing the party. Just then, the tunnel formed by the Omnimentals collapsed. Petra teleported the party to the surface, near the Spelljammer. They boarded, Atticus put the drive helmet on just as the ship was rocked by another quake, and he was knocked unconscious for 30 seconds. The ship rocked onto its side, as everyone in the ship was knocked over and around and into one another. Finally, Atticus regained consciousness, and took the ship off the planet.

Rumbles and quakes continued as the moonlet began to collapse onto itself. Within moments, the 5 mile wide moonlet, and reduced to a 2 foot wide Sphere of Annihilation. It dove towards the planet, out pacing the ship by a factor of ten. It slammed into the ground near Diamond Valley causing the crust of the planet to ripple like a pebble thrown into a lake. A great rumbling filled the plane, in seconds their home was reduced to rubble, everyone they knew and loved was snuffed out of existence. The mountains collapsed, fires filled the forest of the fairies, Fairhaven shook to the ground and was swallowed by the earth.

The planet exploded, sending shards of debris and fire into space. The party was dejected, just as Atticus was about to plane shift to get away, a booming voice yells, "STOP!"

Pelor arrives, stopping time all around them. "This was not how it was supposed to be! You did everything right!" Pelor gives them the option of returning to the moments just after Atropus died, except this time with the Talisman of the Sphere, and artifact that helps control the Sphere of Annihilation. This time, the party was expecting the quakes, and rubble. They knew when the ship would be knocked over. They watched again as the moonlet formed into the Sphere, this time, they were able to control it, and bring it on board.

They landed back in Diamond Valley, the zombies had all fallen. The townsfolk were cheering them as they exited the ship.

As a DM, I enjoy showing people interesting things, and to allow them the opportunity to have an epic time. Sebastian, played by my friend Jason, has spent the last 18 months honing his skills, but it took the act of a god to allow him to defeat Atropus. Paragon Sebastian was created using 100 levels, 70 Fighter, 20 Dwarven Defender, and 10 Legendary Dreadnaught, and the Paragon template from the Epic Level Handbook. Paragon Atropus was created using the Avatar of Atropus from Elder Evils, and modifying it to CR 100, and adding the Paragon template. As you will see, they are pretty epic.

Paragon Sebastion
Colossal Humanoid (Dwarf)
Fighter 70, Dwarven Defender 20, Legendary Dreadnought 10
Hit Dice: 30d12 and 70d10 +3324 (4384hp)
Initiative: +22
Speed: 180'
Armor Class: 95 (+7 Class, +10 Shield, +37 Armor, +10 Deflection, -8 Size, +12 Luck, +12 Insight, +5 Natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +60/+74
Full Attack: Dragonhammer +126/+121/+116/+111/+106 (6d6+67) (17-20/x2) and Shield Spikes +122/+117/+112/+107/+102 (4d8+57 plus 4d6) and Rend with Shield Spikes 4d8+66
Space/Reach: 30'/30'
Special Qualities: Defensive stance 10/day, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +2, DR 51/-, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Mobile Defense, Unstoppable 2/day, Unmoveable 2/day, Shrug Off Punishment, Thick Skinned, dwarven traits, fire resit 20, cold resist 10, SR 125, Fast Healing 20
Saves: Fort +83, Ref +68, Will +68 (+4 saves against fear effects)
Abilities: Str 75, Dex 36, Con 43, Int 33, Wis 35 Cha 33
Skills: Climb +117, Intimidate +107, Jump +117, Swim +117, Spot +108, Listen +108
Feats: Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical (greatsword), Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Defense, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Run, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization, Agile Shield Fighter, Dwarven Armor Proficiency, Battle Hardened, Heavy Armor Optimization, Greater Heavy Armor Optimization.
Epic Feats: Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization (greatsword),Bulwark of Defense, Dire Charge, Epic Speed, Mobile Defense, Superior Initiative, Two-Weapon Rend, Damage Reduction x11, Great Constitution x16, Great Strength x22.
Spell like abilities: 3/day – Greater Dispelling, haste, see invisibility at 15th level.
Equipment: Dragonhammer, +5 Force Tower Shield (with +3 Dread (+7, and +4d6 damage against undead) shield spikes), +10 Mountain Plate, Bracers of Epic Armor +15, Amulet of Protection +10.
CR: 112

Aspect of Atropus CR 112
hp 8154 (366 HD); fast healing 20; DR 15/epic and good LE Colossal undead (evil)
Init +5; Senses blind, blindsight 500 ft., true seeing; Listen +76
Aura negative energy (30 ft.)
Languages telepathy 1,000 ft., tongues
AC 105, touch 39, flat-footed 76; Dodge, Mobility
Immune anathematic secrecy (malefic property), cold, gaze attacks, elder evil immunities (page 6), undead immunities
Resist acid 20, fire 20, positive energy 10; SR 34
Fort +84, Ref +85, Will +112
Speed 150 ft. (10 squares); Spring Attack
Melee 3 slams +101 each (5d10+51/19–20 [on critical hit, death (Fort DC 81 negates) plus 1d6] plus Con drain plus energy drain)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Base Atk +91; Grp +115
Atk Options Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Whirlwind Attack, aligned strike (evil, lawful), Constitution drain, energy drain, epic strike
Special Actions call meteor shower, create spawn, divine scourge (malefic property), dual actions
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 35th):
At will—blight (+115 melee touch, DC 38), circle of death (DC 39), create greater undead
3/day—quickened circle of death (DC 39), meteor swarm (DC 42), waves of exhaustion, greater dispelling, haste, see invisibility
1/day—symbol of death (DC 41), wail of the banshee (DC 42)
Abilities Str 73, Dex 29, Con —, Int 45, Wis 44, Cha 41
SQ nondetection, sign (restless dead), SR 137
Feats Ability Focus (energy drain), Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Devastating Critical (slam)ELH (DC67), Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved ToughnessLM, Lightning Refl exes, Mobility, Overwhelming Critical (slam)ELH, Positive Energy ResistanceLM, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (circle of death), Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (slam), Whirlwind Attack
Skills Balance +70, Climb +93, Concentration +69, Escape Artist +70, Hide +58, Intimidate +79, Jump +32, Knowledge (arcana) +76, Knowledge (religion) +76, Listen +76, Move Silently +70, Spellcraft +86, Use Rope +1 (+9 bindings)
True Seeing (Su) As the true seeing spell; continuous; caster level 20th.
Negative Energy Aura (Su) All undead creatures within 30 feet gain +5 turn resistance and fast healing 5, while all living creatures gain five negative levels for as long as they remain in the area unless they have some protection against negative energy effects. Living creatures that have 5 or fewer Hit Dice are slain and rise as spectres after 1d4 rounds.
Tongues (Su) As the tongues spell; continuous; caster level 20th.
Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by the aspect of Atropus’s slam attack must succeed on a DC 95 Fortitudesave or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. On each such successful attack, the aspect of Atropus gains 5 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for up to 1 hour, and an aspect of Atropus can gain a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its normal hit point total.
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by the aspect of Atropus’s slam attack gain three negative levels. The DC is 95 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. For each negative level bestowed, the aspect of Atropus gains 5 temporary hit points. There temporary hit points last for up to 1 hour, and an aspect of Atropus can gain a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full normal hit point total.
Call Meteor Shower (Su) The aspect of Atropus can sacrifice 50 hit points to call down a torrent of meteors. All creatures(including the aspect of Atropus) within a 100-foot radius take 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 10d6 points of fire damage. A DC 53 Reflex save halves this damage. After the meteor shower each square in the area becomes diffi cult terrain and costs 2 squares of movement to enter.
Create Spawn (Su) A living creature of size Huge or smaller slain by the aspect of Atropus becomes an angel of decay (see page 30) in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the aspect of Atropus and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.
Divine Scourge (Su) Once per day as a swift action, the aspect of Atropus can cause all divine spellcasters and extraplanar outsiders within a 1,000-mile radius to become sickened for 1d4 hours. An affected creature must succeed on a DC 66 Fortitude save or take 66 points of vile damage.
Dual Actions (Su) Each round, Atropus has an additional standard action.
Anathematic Secrecy (Su) The aspect of Atropus is immune to all divine divination spell effects.
Nondetection (Su) As the nondetection spell; continuous; caster level 20th.

1 comment:

  1. That is QUEEN Skylar Kael of Diamond Valley and her trust friend and steed Bux The Muthafuckin Bear Dragon!! (great story btw!)
