Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Succubus Club for Vampire: the Masquerade 2nd Edition

Vampire: the Masquerade (VtM) was the first "adult" game that I played. Before VtM, I had played a ton of Basic and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, also a bit of Shadowrun, Twilight 2000, Autoduel, but all these games had a kids edge to them. VtM was adult themed from the start. Sex, drugs (in the form of blood), dark music. It appealed to a 16 year old rebel of a teenager, and I latched on strong.

A neighbor of mine, Mitch, was a gamer as well. Mitch was older than us, but it wasn't weird. He was just a gamer, and didn't care if we smoked cigarettes. It was Mitch that got us started playing Vampire. I remember my first character, Jesus Lizard (pronounced Hey-sus Li-zard), was a Brujah anarchist. He died early on during a Sabbat raid, still, in the end he blew himself up taking out two enemies with him! Exciting stuff!

It wasn't long after that when I picked up the Storyteller (Gamemaster/Dungeonmaster) reigns from Mitch, because he was focusing on Shadowrun at the time. I took off with his basic setting, which was a dark, bleary, 1980's Houston. My main character, the Frenchman Colin Dees (a 7th generation Ventrue) was the Prince of Houston by the end of the game. I ran that game for about a year, before some real life concerns took me away from gaming.

Another 2 years pass before I met some new folks, including my friend Larry, Johnny and Will. They were gamers and nerds too, and it wasn't long before I was the Storyteller again! I had advanced the storyline to modern day, then 1996, and adapting a lot of the characters and stories from Chicago by Night, however I kept Colin Dees as Prince. We played the better part of a year during that campaign, and one of the funniest things I ever heard a gaming table was uttered.

My friend Will (I think this is correct, I am sure Will will correct me if I am wrong) was playing a Malkavian, who was bat shit insane, like all good Malks. The party was at the Succubus Club, and there was a discussion of cars. Wills character said, "My family was so poor, we bought 2000 pounds of steel wool and knitted a Volkswagon." We lol'ed before lol was invented. I still tell people that joke today!

The cool thing about the Succubus Club is that even though it's set in Chicago, it's easy to put into any setting. There are plenty of dark tales, intrigues, and stories to fill a dozen nights of play! The copy of The Succubus Club I have up on Ebay is 2nd Edition, but the rules are fairly easy to adapt to 3rd Edition as well. This is a great addition to any Storyteller's collection!

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