Saturday, May 7, 2011

... a newsy post...

Getting a lot of visitors off my Ebay page, so if you're coming from there... Howdy! Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you click the Follow button way down at the bottom of the page, and friend us on Facebook!

Since the blog is new for Yellow Dragon Studios, I have sort of a general and vague idea for the schedule of the blog. Since I am a notorious slacker, I don't do well with regular schedules, so I will tell you what sorts of posts you will be seeing.

Monster Monday - A new monster every week! More often than not, these will be Dungeons and Dragons monsters from my various table top RPGs. Other times I plan to explore themes in a broader, non-stat sense. This will be the only scheduled blog post.

Ebay Reviews - These are reviews of items, or groups of items that I have up on Ebay currently. Like my post on the Zombie Survival Guide, or Rage, I will talk about the item itself, its history, and my personal history with the thing as well! 25 years of gaming gives you a lot of experiences to talk about!

News - News posts like this will be very uncommon, I hope. I want to give you content, and interesting looks at things, not me blabbering on. I will also have nerd news from around the internets.

Movie Reviews - These have been a staple for me for years. In 1999 and 2000, I owned a movie review website, FlickReviewdotcom, which reviewed nearly 1000 movies! I have also reviewed movies on my various blogs, and journals over the years. I hope to bring a unique voice to movie reviews from a nerdy perspective!

If you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to post in the comments, to the Facebook group, or email me!

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