Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks

Zombie fiction has been around for many years, and have covered such a wide variety of types and styles that it has now become its own genre. Even my own Apocalypse Zombie from yesterday is a good example of taking a variety of styles of cinematic zombie and combining them into one bite-y zombie.

In the last few years, zombies have become sort of a cultural phenomenon. Escaping out of the closed confines of film, and coming into TV, RPGs, and even books. The Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks, was the prequel of sorts to World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War. Taking its queues from various survival guides, both serious and fictional. The book will teach you everything you need to know how to survive the zombie apocalypse, from finding a correct structure, fortifying it, and protecting it from the horde. From one end to the other you will find humor, and mock seriousness that loses its "mock-ness", and becomes serious... when you realize it, you will laugh...

But you will wonder. Never before have I read a book where I have thought about the premise, or discussed it with friends and family. I have an entire plan, ready, in case the dead begin to rise! And my wife agrees! Ahh... nerd life.

If you are interested in owning a copy of The Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks, you can check out my auction on Ebay! Click here!

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